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High Intensity Discharge Lights for Cannabis Growth

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What are HID Grow Lights?

High Intensity Discharge (HID) grow lights are artificial lights used to grow indoor plants. They have the same function as sunlight for outdoor plants. They are a kind of light bulb that helps in the cultivation of indoor plants.

They differ in their size and structure from regular light bulbs. They have two electrodes filled with gas within a glass frame. The gas ignites to produce light in these lights. These lights are famous for their impressive brightness.  

HID Grow Light System

It consists of three main components: 

  1. A bulb 
  2. Ballast 

It helps the bulb produce a smooth light and is of two types; magnetic and digital.

  1. Reflector or Hood 

It helps in reflecting the light in our desired area. It could be of various types, e.g., wing, water-cooled, air-cooled, or parabolic.  It is available in different sizes, depending on the size of the area. 

What are the Types of HID Grow Lights?

HID lights differ in type depending on the type of gas used in the bulbs. The two most commonly used HID lights for growing indoor plants are high-pressure sodium (HPS) and metal halide (MH). Different bulbs produce different colored lights depending on the gas used inside them. The choice of a certain type depends on the stage of growth.

High-pressure sodium lights produce a yellowish color that is appropriate to use for plants in their flowering stage. On the other hand, metal-halide lights produce a bluish light, which is best used in the vegetable stage of growth. The shape of both bulbs could differ as well.

How to Choose HID Lamps for Plants

How to Choose HID Lamps for Plants?

Various factors need to be kept in mind while purchasing the best HID lamps for your plants:  

Type of Ballast to Use

Choosing the correct ballast is very important for the proper functioning of the lamps for growing plants. The wattage of the ballast, its dimming ability, and its lumen power should be considered. Digital ballast is preferred over magnetic ballast for its smooth operation, especially with MH and HPS bulbs.  

  • Size of the Cultivation Area 

The size of the bulb and wattage power to be used depend on the size of the cultivation area. The larger the grow area, the larger the capacity of grow lamps. The wattage power for lights ranges from 150W to 1000W. The wattage power is directly proportional to the spread of light and heat.  

  • Single or Dual Bulbs 

The choice of bulb is very important. Single or dual arc bulbs are available. Dual arc bulbs are available as a combination of both MH and HPS lamps. Moreover, single and double-ended bulbs are available. Single-ended bulbs produce light in an arc. Double-ended bulbs produce light the way fluorescent tubes do. Double-ended grow bulbs are more efficient and thus cover a larger grow area.   

  • Choosing the Right Reflector 

These lights produce a huge amount of heat. Therefore, the choice of the right reflector to balance its effect is crucial. Air-cooled and water-cooled reflectors help in accommodating the heat and ventilation in the area.   

Where to Hang the HID Lights for Maximum Plant Growth?

The lamps get hotter, and if they are not hung at an optimal distance, they can damage the plants. Therefore, it is important to hang lights at an optimal distance. The best height for the lights depends on various factors, including the stage of the growing plant, the angle of the lamp, and the intensity of the light.

The earlier the plant’s growth phase and the lesser the intensity of light, the lower the height of lamps. The later the plant’s growth stage or the higher the intensity of light, the higher the lamps.

Advantages of Using HID Lights for Plants

HID lamps have several advantages:  

  • They are more reliable than other light technologies.
  • They are affordable and economical for the initial setup.
  • They provide smooth and consistent light without any distortion. 
  • They have high light penetration, even to the farther plants. 
  • Their light spectrum is very useful for flowering, fruiting, and vegetable growth. 
  • They help produce warmth for plants in cold weather conditions.  
  • They last for 10,000 to 20,000 hours.
  • They help in the growth of specific plants, e.g., cannabis plant growth.  
  • For small-scale growers, the HID light system is budget-friendly. 


As light is the major source of health in plants, the higher the light production, the better the plants’ health will be. So invest in a good lighting system for your indoor plants. HID lamps are available in different types and different brands on the market.

The important factor is to choose the right lamps depending on your cultivation area, the required intensity, and the plants you are growing. Keeping within the budget and long-term goal, you can select the type of HID light for your plants. Do not forget to time-test your mode of lighting before choosing the right product!

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