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the secret is in the soil

Single Ingredients

The CaliSuperSoil family of products includes protein meals, mineral products, and homogenous complete natural fertilizers. Our products are all OMRI Listed, and the California Department of Food and Agriculture Organic Input Materials Program registered.

Worm Castings

Mixing worm castings into soil is a great way to improve the quality of your soil and provide your plants with essential nutrients. Worm castings are a rich source of organic matter, beneficial microorganisms, and essential plant nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

To mix worm castings into soil, you should first prepare the soil by loosening it and removing any large rocks or debris. Next, spread a layer of worm castings over the soil, and then mix it thoroughly into the top 6-8 inches of soil using a garden fork or tiller. You can also mix in other organic matter, such as compost or aged manure, at the same time to further improve soil fertility.

The amount of worm castings to mix into your soil will depend on the quality of your existing soil and the type of plants you are growing. As a general guideline, you can mix in 1-2 inches of worm castings per 6 inches of soil depth. For potted plants, mix in 20-30% worm castings with potting soil.

It’s important to note that while worm castings are a great soil amendment, they should not be used as a complete substitute for soil. Plants still need a good mix of soil, air, water, and nutrients to grow healthy and strong.

Blood Meal

Grow Pots:
Apply 1-2 oz and thoroughly mix into the top 3″ of soil. For new transplants, add 1 tsp per hole, mix into soil and water in well. To feed established plants, side dress 1-2 tsp, depending on size of plant and desired growth rate, once each month during your entire grow.

Outdoor Grow Pots:
New plantings require, 1-2 tsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly. To feed established plants, lightly mix 1 tsp per gallon into the soil surface once each month during your grow.

Bone Meal

Grow Pots:
Add 1 tbsp. per hole for average size seed/seedling, for larger plants add 1-3 tbsp. Then mix thoroughly into soil and be sure to water in well.

Larger Containers:
For new plantings, add 1-3 tbsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly. With established plants, lightly mix 1-2 tbsp per gallon into the soil surface once each month during your grow.

Bat Guano

Grow Pots:
Add 1-2 tbsp per square feet of potting soil and thoroughly mix into the top 3″ of your pot. For seedlings, add 1-2 tsp per potting hole, mix into soil and water until damp. To feed plants, side feed 1-3 tsp, depending on size of plant and desired growth rate, repeat once each month during the growing season (April – September).

Outdoor Pots and Plantings:
For seedlings, add 1-3 tsp per cub gallon of soil and mix thoroughly To feed larger plants, lightly mix 1-2 tsp per gallon into the soil 3” surface once each month during your grow. 

Liquid Application:
Add 1-3 tbsp per gallon of water and let ferment for 36 hours, mix periodically. Add the Bat Guano solution directly to the soil around plants.

Kelp Meal

Add kelp meal liberally to your grow as it’s an organic mix that will not upset your grow if slightly over applied.

Application ratios 

  • 5 cups = 1.5 lbs
  • 1/2 cup = 4.5 oz
  • 3 tbsp = 1 oz

Grow Pots: For seedlings, add 1-3 tbsp per cub gallon of soil and mix thoroughly. For larger plants, mix into the soil 1-3 tsp per cub gallon 3” into soil surface monthly during the growing season.

Row Crops/Acreage: Apply 200-400 lbs per acre depending on specific crop needs or required pounds of actual nutrient per acre.

Oyster Shells (Ground)

Grow Pots:
Add 3.5-5 tbsp per square feet of potting soil and thoroughly mix into the top 3″. For Seedlings, add 1-3 tbsp per planting hole, mix into damp soil.

Outdoor Pots and Plantings:
Add 1-3 tbsp per gallon of soil and mix thoroughly, alternatively, you could mix 1-3 tbsp per cub gallon of potting soil into the top 3” of your pot during the life of your grow.


Water every 4 to 6 days or more often as required during blooming stage. Water at PH level 6.5-7.2 is recommended. Do not overwater.


Don’t keep pots on a cold floor. Night temp. 60°-75° F. Day Temp. 68°-93° F.

Soil Amendments Bundle

$96.39 $110.99

Bone Meal 5-2-1


Bat Guano 7-3-1


Blood Meal 13-0-0


Kelp Meal 1-0-2


Oyster Shells


Worm Castings
21 Quarts


California Super Soil
California Super Soil