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What are the Benefits of Super Soil?

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Gone are the days when we could just sow seeds and the plants would emerge out of them. They were healthy plants, but as humans continued to use the same soil for all types of plant growth, the nutrients in the soil were depleted. Now, our soil lacks the nutrients essential for plant growth. This means it is difficult to get healthier plants if we solely rely on natural soil. 

On the contrary, we cannot choose chemically made soils because they are harmful to human health. They may boost plant growth, but the fruit is not healthy for consumption. Such fruits will lack nutrients and hence give no benefits. Considering this situation, we have come up with an organic super soil to meet all your requirements.

Check our best Super Soil: AutoFlower Super Soil Concentrate

What is Super Soil?

The use of California super soil development shot is rising with every passing day in the cannabis industry. If you don’t know what the soil is, let us look into it. This is a mixture of soil that contains the essential amount of nutrients required for plants to grow properly.

At first, the nutritional needs of a plant are determined by using various advanced methods and these needs are considered while formulating the soil. It includes both the macro and the micronutrients to make it self-sufficient.


Are you wondering why there is a hype of super soil in the industry, and why everyone keeps talking about it? Well, that’s because this soil is no less than a hero. People have used the soil and given positive reviews. Studies have proven the benefits they can bring to your plants. Here is a compilation of the benefits.Super Soil Benefits


Using California soil growth shot for plants will keep you away from stress. Once you have made it and added it to the plants, there’s no need to worry about the presence or absence of any nutrients. The risk of nutrient deficiency is very rare. Our soil is 800% denser than the traditional soils.

Check our another amazing Product: Nutrient Growth Shot

Organic Nature

The best advantage is that our California soil growth shot is formulated with organic matter to keep your plants healthy. It contains all the nutrients in their raw or organic form. This will provide better quality fruits and flowers that have a better aroma and flavor. The fruits would also be more nutritious compared to fruits grown in chemical soils.

Full Support

Unlike the traditional soils, where plants get a lot of nutrients at first but are left without nutrients in their later stages, we have made a soil that would fulfill the requirements of the plants until their life. Your plants will stay healthy from the initial days to the last days.

Diverse Use

You can use the soil no matter where your plants are! If you have indoor plants or outdoor plants, this soil is the best choice for you. The soil will protect your plants from foreign pathogenic microbes such as fungi or bacteria. It contains beneficial microbes to keep away the harmful microbes.

Roots Flushing

One huge responsibility that we take from your shoulders is the need to flush roots all the time. Since California soil growth shot is free of chemically added products, you are free from the tension of flushing roots all day.

We have got a look into the benefits, but it is important to know that soil cannot be used in all types of crops. This process also requires immense planning, as soil mixtures require to be made 30-60 days in advance. Yet, if you prefer to purchase the soil you can enjoy the benefits without this procedure.

If you want to look deeper into what nutrients are present in our soil, you can continue further. 

  • The primary ingredient is nitrogen, as it is the major ingredient required for plant growth. Nitrogen helps to maintain the color of the leaves and the fruit.
  • Phosphorus is vital for maintaining the healthy roots of the plants. This micronutrient is involved in energy transfer throughout the plant.
  • Potassium, the third major ingredient, is present in these soils to regulate respiration, and photosynthesis and maintain the turbidity of cells. This can also help the plant to combat harsh environmental conditions.
  • Calcium has been included because it is vital for the development of roots and leaves. It is linked with the absorption of other major nutrients and aids in molybdenum mobility.
  • Magenium is a constituent of chlorophyll. Hence, the plant needs to grow and prepare food for its survival. This is a cofactor for many enzymatic reactions.
  • Sulfur plays its role in the formation of plant proteins along with the nitrogen. It is a major component of the three essential amino acids that are methionine, cysteine, and cystine. 

Along with these nutrients, some trace elements have been included in the soil for sale to make the plant healthier. These nutrients include boron, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc. All of these nutrients play their part in making the plant healthy.

How to Use?

If you have already decided to buy a pack of California soil growth shots, you should first be aware of how to use this soil properly to prevent any unfortunate events from occurring later on. Follow these simple steps to use our pack of soils effectively for your plants.

  • Take 3, or 2 ounces of soil in a container of one-gallon size. 
  • Add the soil to the container and mix it with the potting soil.
  • Fill the container by adding potting soil.
  • Keep watering the plants till harvesting.

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